What is better Traditional or Roth IRA? It really depends.
Traditional IRA allows to make PRE-TAX contributions, so you get an immediate tax benefit at the time of contribution. Then money grows TAX-DEFERRED, but withdrawals are taxed as current income when you get a distribution after age of 59.5. Traditional IRA suits you if you use it as a savings account and expect the same or lower tax bracket when you retire.
Roth IRA allows to make AFTER-TAX contributions, so you do not get any immediate tax benefit. But the money grows TAX-FREE and distributions are also tax-free after age of 59.5. You need Roth IRA if you expect higher tax bracket when you retire OR if your retirement account grows a lot thru investing/trading.
Many of my clients are investing or trading securities, so Roth IRA account is the best for them because they may grow this money tremendously TAX-FREE.

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